Brooke Taylor
The constant bird songs and epic views of Fontaine, combined with the freedom to simply be in such comfort, have been incredibly healing.
I am filled with gratitude for the incredible opportunity to create and live in La Maison de Simon. And the warmth and generosity of Betsy, Alon, Anne, and Marie.
La Maison & Fontaine-sous-Jouy, this experience, has provided more than I could have expected creatively and emotionally. The constant bird songs and epic views of Fontaine + the freedom to just be in such comfort has been incredibly healing. I wish I could stay forever. And I can’t wait to return to visit. Thank you all for this gift.
Brooke Taylor, Los Angeles-based painter, 2025 artist-in-residence.
Katherine Anderson
I cannot be more grateful for the spaciousness of time and place that this residency has afforded me to work both upstairs in the dream studio, and downstairs with clay.
I arrived in the abundance of autumn, with the golden beech leaves still on the trees, and every kind of apple coming out of the local orchards. As I depart, the leaves are long fallen, but the Rosey runs as clean and cool as ever, and the horses greet me every time I look or step outside.
I came here at a time of transition, with my last child having just left for college. Being at the Maison has allowed me to quickly lean into my emerging artistic practice, allowing me to take myself seriously as an artist and to devote real time to the work. Like all of the artists who have been here, I cannot be more grateful for the spaciousness of time and place that this residency has afforded me to work both upstairs in the dream studio and downstairs with clay. Working with the young children at the primary school in Fontaine was also deeply meaningful. Among other things, spending time with them cheered me up given the results of our American presidential election.
Thank you beyond all measure to Betsy, Alon, Marie, Sarah, and the spirit of Simon for hosting me here. And I must also thank especially Anne for supporting me in all my ceramic work. I will miss seeing her and Citron (the cat) every day.
Katherine Anderson, Seattle-based multidisciplinary artist, 2024 artist-in-residence.
David Teng Olsen
No pressure and expectations allowed me to play and experiment like a kid again.
It is difficult for me to put into words how incredible the time spent at Maison de Simon. No pressure and expectations allowed me to play and experiment like a kid again. When I was not in the studio, which only happened a handful of times, I explored the area finding inspiration around every corner. For example, I walked to Autheuil-Authouillet one afternoon and stumbled upon a bunch of pedal powered trains that you could ride up an abandoned railroad track back to Fontaine, the ride exposed me to even more hidden gems! I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Betsy, Alan, Marie, Sarah and everyone else who welcomed me into their life.
David Teng Olsen, Boston-based new media artist, 2024 artist-in-residence.
Chris Knight
You have made a truly lovely oasis for artists.
Thank you so much for letting me join David in his residency at La Maison de Simon. You have made a truly lovely oasis for artists and I had a lovely week drawing and enjoying the house and the beautiful countryside and petting the kitty! Your generosity and hospitality are amazing and truly appreciated.
I hope you enjoy the drawings we made during my stay — we tried to include as much of the inspiring environs of Normandie as we could! Here are two of my books just in case you want to see some more of my drawing (and writing).
Thank you again! And I hope the residency program continues to flourish.
Chris Knight, Portland-based comic book author, 2024 guest artist.
Zsófi Barabás
My favorite place was a field above Chambray. The wheat was still green when I found the area, then it turned beautifully yellow, and now, just before I leave, they harvested it. I went into the middle of it and felt completeness.
I came to Maison Simon with curiosity 10 weeks ago. I never been in Normandy before. The house, the studio, and the garden were amazing. I settled in here so fast and felt calmness. I started to make small drawings the first day and from then on I just had a super inspiring period here. Living all my life in downtown Budapest is so different from this peaceful, silent place. I finally had time to read and take big walks and trips around. My favorite place was a field above Chambray. The wheat was still green when I found the area, then it turned beautifully yellow, and now, just before I leave, they harvested it. I went into the middle of it and felt completeness.
Also, the great thing was getting to know Betsy, Alon, Anne, and Marie here. I am so happy we had time to spend together. I really hope to see you all soon. Thank you again for this amazing possibility!
Zsófi Barabás, Budapest-based painter, 2024 artist-in-residence.
Susan Vecsey
The (Normandy) light is very bright and surprising - with quick and dramatic changes in light and weather.
Thank you to La Maison de Simon, I loved working here for two months. I had an idea of the beauty of Normandy but had never spent time here. The house and this village are so peaceful! The (Normandy) light is very bright and surprising – with quick and dramatic changes in light and weather. The first few weeks were spent exploring, day trips to the coast and all over the countryside, and some trips to Paris to see some wonderful exhibits. The small collage paintings I created here were of shapes and colors I experienced, some new and surprising. I have always wanted to work with ceramics, and from an exhibit in Rouen I was inspired to work with Anne – so fun! I will continue exploring ceramics at home, and also am thinking of some large paintings which result from my time here.
Thank you to Betsy, Alon and Sarah for welcoming me into this lovely and warm community. I so enjoyed getting to know everyone! Thank you to Marie for all your help! I hope to see you all soon.
Susan Vecsey, New York-based painter, 2024 artist-in-residence.
Linda Williams
If I were to choose one word to describe my experience at La Maison de Simon it would be ‘spaciousness’.
I can’t believe the time has come for me to write this thank you note! The initial two-month residency turned into nearly three and a half months, and I’ve enjoyed every moment of it, with all the ups and downs. I’ve been lucky to see the seasons change, from the heat of summer to bleak yet beautiful winter.
If I were to choose one word to describe my experience at La Maison de Simon it would be ‘spaciousness’. Physical space of course, in the beautiful studio and writing spaces, as well as the surrounding nature has made itself into my work. But even more importantly, the mental space to be able to work without distractions, without external interruptions. I’ve been able to immerse myself completely into the creative process and its natural ebbs and flows, exploring and experimenting with different techniques and materials.
As much as I have enjoyed spending time alone in my creative bubble, I’ve also had lovely and enriching exchange with the community of Fontaine-sous-Jouy. First all with Anne, with whom I even got to work and exhibit. Then with all the lovely visitors at the two portes ouvertes. The local school came for a visit, and I got to pay them a visit after the children made work inspired by my tree imprints—such a lovely experience!
Thank you Alon, Betsy & Sarah for creative this wonderful opportunity and for your warm welcome and generosity. Thank you Marie for your kindness and warmth. Fontaine-sous-Jouy and my residency at La Maison de Simon will have a special place in my heart and my creative practice.
Linda Williams, Paris-based visual artist, 2023 artist-in-residence.
Vanja Hamidi Isacson
It's a place that provides time and space to be in oneself, with one's creativity and energy—in all its phases and shift.
Two weeks became three — could not leave La Maison de Simon. It’s a place that provides time and space to be in oneself, with one’s creativity and energy — in all its phases and shift. And I was lucky to share the experience with my dear friend Linda Williams who invited me here during her residency which is now continuing. I’m so curious to see how her current projects will develop in the coming period.
Thank you for creating this space for artists to immerse themselves in their work. Thank you for your generosity, and for hosting me!
Vanja Hamidi Isacson, Malmö-based dramatist and researcher, 2023 guest artist.
Carola van Dyke
The studio upstairs was my sanctuary, the light, the space is just fantastic. It will be very hard to leave, and not see the horses when I wake up!
I came to La Maison to find time. Time to do something with all the different ideas I had in my head — without being distracted by my usual workload. Time to develop, reconnect & experiment with new artwork. It was just wonderful to spend the first week painting again, it had been 15 years since I held a brush!
The amazing things for me was to be able to afford the freedom to spend time researching & exploring, break new ground & most of all experiment in a practice — free motion embroidery — that I absolutely adore, but hardly ever have the time, due to demands of my usual workload (commercial textiles).
It was fantastic to spend most of my time in the studio upstairs: the perfect space to lay out all my different ideas sequentially. I have had some close family losses recently, and I realized I needed some time on my own. The studio upstairs was my sanctuary, the light, the space is just fantastic. It will be very hard to leave, and not see the horses when I wake up!
Thank you so much to the entire team of La Maison de Simon, Marie for always being available & being so lovely and a special big thank you to Betsy & Alon, for making this possible and the very warm welcome you have given me with the beautiful lunches and dinners. À bientôt !
Carola van Dyke, London-based textile artist, 2023 artist-in-residence.
Kate McCurdy
It has been an experience in immersive relaxation balanced with fervent creation.
Merci beaucoup for our incredible month staying & creating at La Maison de Simon! It has been an experience in immersive relaxation balanced with fervent creation.
I feel blessed to be here in midsummer, a time with so much light & blooming abundance in Fontaine-sous-Jouy. Spreading out our fabrics, paints, beads & ideas across this airy studio has been a luxurious way to create — inspiring more fun, dynamic, and challenging projects.
It has been such a rewarding & deeply meaningful experience to make art in close collaboration with my mom — Linda Schoenheimer — in such a welcoming and supportive environment. Thank you for this abundance of time, space, fresh air, and Good Vibes. Simon’s joyful and creative spirit is palpable in this arts home.
Thank you Alon, Betsy, Sarah & the whole team here for manifesting this dream space & bringing it to life! I can’t wait to see how La Maison de Simon continues to inspire artists who pass time and create here.
With gratitude,
Kate McCurdy, New Orleans-based textile and visual artist, 2023 artist-in-residence.
Linda Schoenheimer
Here I experienced how life should be lived. Serenity, creativity, inspiration and the time to use it and enjoy it.
Is it the beauty of Normandy, the sounds of Fontaine-sous-Jouy, or the amazing setting of La Maison de Simon that has made this past month a life-changing residency?
Here I experienced how life should be lived. Serenity, creativity, inspiration and the time to use it and enjoy it. La Maison de Simon has jump started a new chapter in my long artistic journey.
On so many levels this has been a fantastic month – all thanks to La Maison de Simon. A remarkable sojourn.
Linda Schoenheimer, NYC-based photographer and visual artist, 2023 artist-in-residence.
Groune De Chouque
"I am out with lanterns looking for myself." Emily Dickinson
I felt so good! It’s time to move on, to transform it into memories, the walks, the spring, the flowers, the readings, the paintings that bear witness, the little finds that I take back to my little Parisian studio…
Thank you for this wonderful adventure, for your deep friendship, for your encouragement. You are dear to my heart!
“I am out with lanterns looking for myself.” Emily Dickinson, who was a companion in Fontaine-sous-Jouy.
Chantal Romano Comment (a.k.a. Groune de Chouque), Paris-based painter, 2023 artist-in-residence.
Laurie Fox
This experience really shook up my life, my art, my direction for the future!
A big thanks to La Maison de Simon!
This experience really shook up my life, my art, my direction for the future! I could almost hear the “thluck” as I was pulled out of the muddy quagmire of my everyday.
And no, it wasn’t all easy and comfortable, but so worthwhile. It’s never easy to be left alone with one’s thoughts and habits, but I really couldn’t tootle off to the bar, or go window shopping. That’s it, I’ve been to the art spa and I am embracing the future. I hope more artists will find the experience as renewing as I have.
Thanks a million!!!
P.S: Berlino loved the experience, too.
Laurie Fox, Rome-based painter, 2023 artist-in-residence.
Blair Pessemier
I knew we were in the right place when on arriving, we saw that shaggy white pony, whose tail extended to the ground. He seemed almost magical, and like Rilke’s poem about the Carousel at the Luxembourg Gardens, he keeps reappearing in my memory.
Many thanks to everyone who made this Artist Residence such a fantastic experience!
Thirty years ago, we quit Seattle. Fed up by the rat race, we moved to Paris. It was where we found a voice in art. This Normandy sojourn added volume to that voice.
Because our Italian hunting dog came with us, “Berlino” demanded long walks. They were inspirational — mornings filled with a multitude of avian song. Woods here are alive with darting little birds, jays, crows, and blackbirds. Along the Rosey River, ducks, coots, and herons are evident. On evening walks, streetlights aren’t illuminated, and a plethora of stars adorn the night sky.
I knew we were in the right place when on arriving we saw that shaggy white pony, whose tail extended to the ground. He seemed almost magical, and like Rilke’s poem about the Carousel at the Luxembourg Gardens, he keeps reappearing in my memory.
Blair Pessemier, Rome-based painter, 2023 artist-in-residence.